Oh, Terry!
He doesn't white knight for ladies or stan for BTS; Terry prefers the Monster Smash! He makes the Slender Man stress eat, a Skeleton's skin crawl, and the Devil himself move from bargaining to depression!
He's the Pepé Le Pew the world deserves.
"Oh, Terry!" is a short visual novel made for #SpooktoberVN 2020, and takes about 5 minutes to read.
Development log
- Spooktober VN - "Oh, Terry!"Sep 29, 2020
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WHOA... For predator to become prey!!! Incredible animated comic. And I love his comment on not harassing Gloria because he has a pride as a vampire. But Terry... man he's creepy the 'oh you're just like all the others' guilt tripping.. cool game
AMAZING art and transitions!!!!
Short and Funny, that's how I like my Kinetic novels :D
Nice work.
This was a delightful little twist on the horror-comedy genre
Oh god please make MORE of these!
I have never felt this amount of sympathy for a character before who actually deserves it. Poor Mr. Bloodmonger, he should've just turned into a bat as soon as possible, and maybe lock his tomb and all. Terry? Hmm, I have no words to say other than I might need a can of holy water for him.
Awesome man. Really dug this. Are you planning on doing more with the characters/style in the near future?
Thanks! No plans for the future to do anything other than joke about this with friends.
"Oh, Terry!" was robbed. I looooove this.
My headcanon is that the Phantom of the Opera is his friend because he shares the same entitlement he has. They both give Nice GuyTM vibes.
it is canon
I would love a sequel to this with a different monster!
Poor Baron Von Bloodmonger may he rest in peace.
(this is my favorite interactive comic)
I love that vibe of interactive comic, the speech balloons and all the animations. This mini VN has made me want to retake that abandoned RenPy 6.10 project I have on my hard drive.
Great artwork and really creepy theme in a few minutes. Also I really appreciate that even though the story is short there seem to be 15-20 different locations
This was really great! I love the animations and overall style of the game. Terryyyyyy nooooo
Great art! Very stylish! And renpy has been stylishly redesigned for this task. Very cool!
Are you planning on expanding more of the story or maybe even a sequel?? I would totally love if I got to see other monsters react to such a gross character. Maybe even choice based so we could see a monster literally obliterate this gross creepy dude.
The game is hella fun,the art style is so cool,and I hope you are planning in the future to make something in this style again! <3 Also,ManlyBadassHero played your game! :)
a story about a "nice" guy stalking and raping a vampire.... why?
1) Not the 'r' word, probably the 'm' word (MURDER). It has the r-word flavor because...
2) My friend just started using dating apps after breaking up with her college boyfriend/fiance, and the culture shock hit her kind of hard. She's been telling me horror stories about the guys that have been messaging her, and some of them are PRETTY BAD, and PRETTY SCARY. Terry is my hate letter to those creepy boys who scared my friend.
This is hilarious! Excellent job!
Thanks! Great job on the voices!
that's very kind of you, haha. i had a ton of fun playing it!